Friday, June 03, 2016

Stepping up to the challenge

This year I am participating in the Global Corporate Challenge as part of a team of 7 work colleagues. We have a team name and a badge!

Yes, we are all in the library.
I set my daily target to 10,000 steps which is what I estimated I do normally and expected just to chug along for the ride. However strangely I find that I'm pushing a little harder in my walking, wanting to meet my target and taking advantage of a fine weekend to go for an extended walk. Even agreed to a mini-challenge! 100,000 steps in one day (for the team).
Funny how the mind works.

My pedometer at the end of the day.



  1. Do we get to see a photo of you in your official team colours, apparently wearing a green beanie (I've heard rumours ... )
